Thursday 9 May 2013

The Award for the Most Happy-and-Depressing-at-the-Same-Time-Thing Ever!

Ladies and gentlemen, the award tonight goes to something that I, personally, find very challenging. Let me begin my asking you a question: do you ever get so caught up in life's mundane tasks that everything sort of 'fades' and becomes less meaningful? ...ergh let me explain.

Life is filled to the brim with seemingly 'unnecessary stuff', like: completing assignments, earning a living, cooking meals, sending emails, doing tax, doing errands, paying insurance companies and banks for their 'services'... the list goes on and on. Personally I am not looking forward to the days when I have to worry about my own finances and spend my hard earned savings on house rent, green-slips and insurance. (Oh how blissful teenage-hood is!)

Yet at the same time I look to the future with a great deal of anticipation and excitement. What lies ahead? Where will I end up? Where will I go? What will I see? These thoughts are, among a few other things, central in preventing me from imploding / going completely insane from the mediocrity of school life: the boring subject content, the mountains of homework and the long... long...bus trips (*shivers*)

I guess one of the main tasks in life itself is to find a balance between the present and the future, between the mundane and the exciting, between the chores and the fun. And it is always during those times when I am living 'in the moment', free from deep, difficult thought, that everything is wonderful and funny and fantastic. And it always seems to hit me when I least expect it; this overwhelming sadness, these thoughts that whirr through my brain and keep me up at night. Thoughts about the fact that the little things that happen in life, like sitting with your friends at lunch-time, or meaningless Skype conversations, or teasing your best friends, or trying a new flavour of ice-cream, or laughing until you can't breathe, or just sitting with someone without all the talking and just stopping for a moment and smiling... These things will never happen again. It will never be exactly as it was, nor will you ever be able to relive that exact same moment again.

Life is full of change, of course. But, tonight, the 'sentence', or 'thought' that I would like to present the award  to, for being 'most happy-and-depressing-at-the-same-time', goes to:


This sentence is happy because it reminds me during the tough times that life will go on... that the pain will fade, that the tears will dry, that the scars will heal, stress will only last for a little while and that the work will (one day... after much procrastination, of course), be completed. 

And at the same time it is incredibly sad because it causes me to remember that that... eventually, all the happy moments will pass... that friends move on, that laughter ceases, that we will forget the little jokes, that we grow old and weary, that the culture and times we live in will one day be history, and that our remaining 'innocence' will be taken up with other worldly 'stuff'...

(Yeah, sometimes I wish I was Peter Pan :)) 
This thought grips my very existence. 

So, ladies and gentlemen, never take anything for granted. Never assume that, as you 'breeze' through life that everything will always be that way. It won't. Life smacks us in the face when we least expect it... but whenever that happens, remember "This Too Shall Pass."

And on that happy note, 

Carpe Diem.

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