Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Award for the Six Most Versatile Words in the English Language

Hello hello and welcome to the show! Tonight I have a wonderful, and somewhat vague award to present to someone, or should I say 'some words'. But, who will it be? Well, let me begin by showing you a video.

What? You paused thirty seconds into the video? Oh you naughty reader, you!

To be honest, I don't blame you. Although this song is very (very) catchy and popular among the average teenage population, in my opinion, it leaves something to be desired... namely decent lyrics and a nice tune (and sensible language). Or perhaps my music taste is skewed? Or perhaps I am skewed. Yeah, okay... 

And we digress! ;)

Anyway, no matter! On to the business. So, it was about three weeks ago when I was browsing spotify and found this song for the first time. At first I was horrified, but then... Oh! What wonders the world has in store for those curious enough to find them (or perhaps mentally challenged enough) but either way, I found something fantastic!!

I told Chantelle. (Or perhaps she told me, coming to think of it ;)) We repeated it over and over. It was fantastic. We dissed people. We gained the upper hand in conversations. We discovered that you could use it in any context, and still come out on top. But what is this beautiful thing that we speak of?


You can use them to respond to a question:

"What are you having for lunch?"

"What are you going to do with your life?"

"Where are we going?"

"Why are you doing that?"

"How are you going to get there?"

Or someone asking for your opinion:

"What do you think I should do?"

"Do you like this?"

Or an insult:

"Your face is so ugly"

"I hate you."

Or a compliment:

"Your dress is so cute!"

"You are the sweetest."

"You smell nice."

So, tonight the award for the six most versatile words in the English language goes to: "I don't care... I love it!" Congratulations. What an honour! You must be so proud. Do you have anything to say?


And now you will probably have this song stuck in your head for the rest of the day! 
You're welcome!

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